Former Camaldolese Inn Adaptation of the historic building for residential purposes Krakow 2018
In the Middle Ages, the the village of Przegorzały stretched along the road to Oświęcim and around today's Jodłowa and Przegorzalska Streets. Over the next centuries, this settlement was divided and apart from the Norbertine monastery, the owners became: nonexistent churches of All Saints and St. Michał and the nobleman Jakub Koniecpolski. In 1528, the royal secretary Just Decius the Elder bought the noble part, then renting it to stonemasons and castle builders who came from Italy, who soon started brick and lime works there. His son Just Decius the Younger in 1566 merged and took over parts belonging to Norbertine and the church of St. Michael. This is how the division into the Przegorzały Cleric and Nobility arose until the end of the 19th century. After Decius, the next owners of the village were representatives of the princely families: Lubomirski’ s and Sanguszka’ s. In the 19th century the village was taken over by the Czartorski’s from neighboring Wola Justowska and again by the Lubomirski family. In 1901, another owner - Stanisława Anna Countess Skarbkowa - sold the Przegorzały Nobility farm to the Camaldolese monastery in Bielany.