Alteration of fixed fittings in the Auditorium of A-0 pavilion at the Stanisław Staszic Academy of Mining and Metallurgy
Cracow 2009

The present alteration design of the fixed fittings in the interior of the Auditorium was in strict aesthetic and functional compliance with the pre-war design. The results of archive and bibliographic research allowed to design the Auditorium fittings with special emphasis on historical fidelity, both aesthetic and functional, however, in keeping with the current dominant trends in multimedia technology, telecommunication, etc. The spatial arrangement of the Auditorium fixed fittings is on an axial plan and includes the chair of the VC and his lectern in front of the chairs and lecterns of his deputies. Along the two sides, on the southern and northern walls of the Auditorium chairs for Deans were designed. The main wall of the Auditorium behind the VC's chair is in axial arrangement and consists of the tall, monumental element in its central section flanked by the double-wing elements of low furnishing on its both sides. The pattern of wood veneer on the newly designed furniture is particularly important because of its architectural character. Its shapes refers to the best time in the modernist period, the 1930s, when furniture, usually simple in form, was often mostly decorated with wood veneer used to give it a finish and a very carefully designed look.